Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy NEW Year!!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."~~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

It has been four months since I last posted to the blog.  I guess life got in the way, and that's not such a bad thing.  It's a new year.  I saw the date last night on TV--January 13. 2013; and it hit me hard for some reason.  2013?  Really?  Wasn't it just 1990?  We bought a new bed for John Parker's room--a "vintage" NFL bed.....vintage and it's from the 80's.  I guess that means that I'm vintage too....... I have big plans for 2013.  I decided not to make resolutions because I rarely keep them.  Instead, I have made prayerful goals.  Goal #1--DE-CLUTTER.  Lord have mercy at the junk that my house has collected over the past 10 years.  We have already cleaned out the laundry room, the master bedroom and now are working on John Parker's room.   He wanted to make some changes.  Bless his heart.  His room has been the same since he was 3 and he'll be 10 in May.  He wants a football room and I think it will be perfect for him.  I hope and (pray) to be finished with the de-cluttering of the entire house by the end of February.  It makes me feel good inside.  Speaking of inside, my second goal is to de-clutter that too.  I did so well with eating and exercising but let myself slide over the holidays.  Thankfully I didn't gain much but I lost energy.  I firmly believe if you put good things in, that good things will come of it--like energy and a more positive attitiude.  I also want to de-clutter my mind.  I have been burdened lately with anxiety over my kids getting older; the future, etc.  I see childhood friends battling grave problems and I realize my own mortality.  I need to do the best that I can every day and hand the rest to God.  It's not easy, but I will continue to "pray without ceasing".  I feel a tug at my heart recently that God is calling me to something, but I'm not sure what.  The Holy Spirit will show me if I just listen.  Sometimes that's hard for me to do.    I pray that everyone has a happy and healthy 2013.  It's scary and exciting to know that a new year has begun.  Let's go out and make the most of it.  God Bless!
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